An eductional pilgrimage to the United States / Un pelerinage psycho-pedagogique aux etats-Unis

An eductional pilgrimage to the United States / Un pelerinage psycho-pedagogique aux etats-Unis

Special Book Design! Upside-down volume with the original French version on one side and the English translation on the other. An Educational Pilgrimage to the United States. Travel Diary of Raymond Buyse, 1922 In 1922, a young Belgian ‘pedologist' named Raymond Buyse accompanied the famous Dr. Ovide Decroly on a study tour of the United States of America. They met with well-known American professors to learn more about th... lees meer over dit product

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Prijshistorie An eductional pilgrimage to the United States / Un pelerinage psycho-pedagogique aux etats-Unis
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